Friday, June 28, 2013

eBay or PayPal can go screw themselves

I got a spam today at an email that is only used for eBay and PayPal. I got a personalized spam selling designer handbags that included my name as registered on those accounts. so most likely one of those 2 shitbag companies sold them my name and email, probably my phone number and address too. well ebay owns PayPal so same company I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I didn't notice until a few days later but suddenly the amount of spam I get has gone up. Also got a few cell phone spams (both text and voicemail) which got me a little peaved but don't remember what places I signed up.

    Keep meaning to do per-site emails but only do it for a few places. For example my lastpass email is specific to them and it's not just (my normal username).lastpass@(mydomain). Even that is annoying because I need to remember to use it when contacting support as that's how they know I'm a premium member which pushes it through support a little faster.
